For any business that handles and stores PII, PHI, PCI or any form of other people’s personal information, we can help you stay in compliance.
Our focus is on your devices that are being removed or have been removed from service and contain stored information that is sensitive and/or include other people’s personally
identifiable and/or sensitive information. These are devices and this is the information that must be treated with a strict protocol when handled, stored and ultimately the information removed and data destroyed with full device reporting and certification of the data destroyed.
Yes, a plan and program is necessary to ensure routine and consistent compliance. We can help you set up a plan that works for your home office and any additional offices you may have, both locally and nationwide. We have a comprehensive program for dealing with national offices that reduces the level of work and time needed from your employees to a minimum.
Your associate offices and sub contractors are an extension of your company when it comes to maintaining a secure protocol for handling devices and data removed from service, we can help you by helping them keep you in compliance.
If you are serious about becoming or staying compliant, contact us and let’s get started.